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2-4 Age Group


2-4 Area

Children aged between 2 and 3 have a staff to child ratio of 1:4

Children aged between 3 and 4 have a staff to child ratio of 1:8

The children enjoy a mixed age group between 2 and 4 in our large room with access to our all -weather undercover area and attached gardens.

The children have lots of opportunities to discover and practice new skills through challenging and exciting activities.

The children learn within a communication rich environment through free flow play inside and out. Children are given lots of opportunities to learn and develop their fine motor and gross motor skills using their own choice of resources and equipment.

Baking session at Alton College Nursery in Alton, Guildford

All children have access to a wide variety of arts and crafts materials, a cosy home corner, construction materials, small world resources, musical instruments and books.

As children reach 4 and begin to look forward to moving on, we work closely with local Reception classes to ensure that the transition to ‘Big School’ is as seamless as possible. We also begin to use more adult-led activities throughout the day to help with this transition.

All children enjoy at least one group story a day, along with song times. The children enjoy social mealtimes with all children sitting around tables together to chat about their day.

Nursery Gallery